Documentation of a recent walking collaboration with colleague in Brazil. Rules (the algorithm) were sent and interpreted by the students and teacher, Karla Brunet, in Salvador, Brazil. http://karlabru.net
Algoritmo de Caminhada Aleatório – 1º Caminhada http://caminhar.ihac.ufba.br/index.php/2019/04/16/algoritmo/
Algoritmo de Caminhada Aleatório – Mapa, vídeo e fotos http://caminhar.ihac.ufba.br/index.php/2019/04/24/algoritmo2/
Photos on Flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/162589283@N04/sets/72157691061684123
Video Youtube https://youtu.be/T56raqQ39vM
Map on Umap http://u.osmfr.org/m/316355/