Attended by ex aeronautical engineer, phd physics volunteer, parents and many students.
I have been busy this week running professional development (PD) for pre and in-service teachers and have not had a chance to complete this blog entry, but I will report on this PD which is of relevance.
I initiated the two-day PD session through Victoria University and the Google Fund. A group of pre and in-service teachers attended. I began the first day with a talk on the various tools and ideas that I have explored in my own teaching practice and from the research I have recently undertaken. The teachers took these ideas and/or tools with them and trialled them in their classrooms as an experiment over a period of a few weeks.
View presentation document here.
On the second day the teachers reported on their outcomes and the results were very inspiring. All teachers excitedly reported greatly increased levels of engagement utilising tools such as Scratch and the Makey Makey, and in one instance the dismantling of an electronic device. What was most fascinating for me was to hear the results of the dismantling of an electronic device exercise conducted by a year 9 class. Students that had been considered the most difficult to work with and the most academically challenged excelled and the teacher conveyed his astonishment at the level of interest and engagement. What was of concern was that when the same exercise was presented to the ‘year 9 high achievers’ many were incapable of completing the exercise.
The learning environment you created through this exercise seems to have broken down barriers for some students who generally struggle in a traditional classroom setting. Very cool!
It was such a positive outcome but a surprise too. Can’t imagine how kids must feel not being able to keep up with the rest of the school and being labelled as such.